A Place to Heal
Eric was head of the Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) which sponsored my stay in South Africa . From the outset I knew there was something about Eric that I did not know; that very few people really knew. He was charming and unfailingly courteous, but something lurked behind his eyes. He smiled often but I had never heard him laugh. There was an alert vigilance about Eric's manner; often when sitting down one of his legs would vibrate in a kind of compulsive action, that I would describe as controlled but highly agitated distress. There was something out of sync about Eric. He was both present and elsewhere at the same time. In the midst of a crowd one could almost see him reach for that private space. The Orphan’s antennae had zoomed in on an outsider. Representatives of foreign governments made a beeline to Eric’s office for advice and wise counsel. He ran the largest most s...